The Link Between Quality Sleep, Nutrition & Anxiety

The link between the quality of your sleep and nutrition and anxiety is clear. Learn more about what it means for your mental health.

The quality of your sleep and nutrition are directly linked with your mental health, specifically your anxiety. These seemingly small daily habits have a major impact on your anxiety and ability to manage it.

If you’re not getting adequate, restful sleep and your nutrition is poor, you may find it difficult to manage your anxiety on your own. There’s a direct link between your gut health and your brain health. The providers at Nurocoach explain more about how your sleep and nutrition affect anxiety.

What is anxiety?

As one of the most common mental health disorders, anxiety has affected an estimated 19.1% of US adults with an anxiety disorder in the past year, and only 31% ever reporting having one.

When you have an anxiety disorder, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • A tendency to worry a lot
  • Impacts on your work and school performance
  • Impacts on your relationships
  • Inability to get restful sleep
  • Insomnia
  • Other health complaints that may seem vague, like stomach pain, indigestion, or irritable bowel syndrome

If you have anxiety, you deserve to get treatment.

How sleep impacts anxiety

If you have anxiety, you probably already know that it interferes with your ability to get a good night’s rest. Some common sleep disorders associated with anxiety include insomnia, waking up much earlier than intended, having difficulty falling asleep, and feeling unrefreshed when you wake up.

You can make lifestyle changes to help how anxiety affects your sleep. These tips include the following:

  • Avoid caffeine or stimulants for a certain number of hours before bed
  • Have a bedtime ritual to signal when it’s time to shut down
  • Limit your exposure to the blue light of smartphone screens or computers
  • Distract yourself if you can’t sleep, such as getting out of bed

If you’re anxious, you need good quality sleep as much as (or more than) the next person. Building healthy habits for quality sleep will pay off extra for you, making it easier to deal with your anxiety. If you think you have a sleep disorder, you should get it checked out by your provider.

How nutrition impacts anxiety

Your food intake impacts your physical and mental health. You may not feel like preparing food, finding it easier to just grab a package of mini-muffins or snack on some crackers. But these are actually poor choices for stabilizing your mental health.

Eating whole grains, lean proteins, and lots of fruits and vegetables are essential to maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.

Avoid processed and fast food as much as possible, as these are usually sources of a lot of sugar and refined grains, which quickly break down into sugars. When you eat these kinds of foods, you’ll get a quick rush of energy, but it’s followed by a crash.

Eat foods that won’t spike your blood sugar. Instead, aim to keep it on an even keel.

Dealing with anxiety is never easy but you can give yourself better odds of success by following practices for quality sleep and good nutrition. Contact the Nurocoach providers or request online for a consultation at one of our offices in Katy or Houston, Texas.